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ABOUT US…of course

When we started to provide consulting services ,we were looking to create a consolidated service that was focused on unique quality services, providing professional expertise , highly qualified experts to give  our customer a confident future. Using our industry knowledge, we are actively working to create opportunities and  improve prospects in business for our clients, representing their interests in Europe , Middle East ,Africa , Asia , USA and Canada. as well as in Algeria and Turkey , which soon will be the most important countries for Europe’s gas , energy and petroleum products supply.

Working on three continents for more than 20 years with people from diverse cultures allowed us to combine our knowledge and the  best practices to offer optimal and personalized solutions to our clients. With genuine operational know-how and broad expertise gained in many years of providing our  services, makes our company an exceptional partner.

Moreover, our professionals are  very experienced leaders in their fields, which include business development, management consulting and law.

We can carry out projects globally. We combine strategic and design capabilities with deep business knowledge specialized by industry, enabling us to support our customers in strategic projects, providing a practical and effective approach.

Our team includes qualified and diverse professionals who have extensive experience in providing integrated consulting and professional services .


Business Management

Risk Management

Project Management

Contract Management

Company establishment and organization

Financial Management and optimization

Staff recruiting/ Head Hunting


  • Investment Management
  • Investment Opportunities
  • Portfolio Development

Management consulting services worldwide

Energy consulting services worldwide

Digital consulting services worldwide

Strategy consulting services worldwide

Advantages of external consultants

Choosing for external advisors can also come with many benefits. External consultants are seen as independent players, contrary to internal advisors who literally depend on their own organization. This could possibly lead to a trust issue between advisor and client, which is also essentially the employer. Research has shown that clients have more confidence in external consultants than internal consultants. The function often demands an inquisitive and firm hand, a role that external advisors frequently fulfill, and one more difficult to fill by internal advisors. They possibly hold just as much expertise, but as an employee at an organization it is conceivably harder for internal consultants to be independent – or to be considered as independent – than for external advisors.

Internal consultants, in essence, keep busy with projects involving their own organization. External consultants, on the other hand, regularly draw from a broader business perspective gained from their vast experience with various clients, markets and sectors, and bring new ideas and best practices along to clients. Especially, the ability to benchmark in respect of other parties is a big advantage of external consultants.

Furthermore, advisors often work for specialized consultancy firms, frequently with the biggest names in the market, and due to their track record are regarded to be credible advisors. Internal consultants do not have this advantage. In general, many assume that external consultants have a higher level of expertise and experience, largely because they are completely focused on their consultancy role, and deal with multifaceted issues at various clients. Internal consultants possibly miss certain industry knowledge, which external consultants have encountered in previous assignments.

Pragmatic strategies

We combine strategic capacities and the design of new models with vertical business knowledge focalized by sector. These capacities allow us to support our clients in their strategic projects by providing efficiency and specifics right from the start.

Unique execution capacities

We have longstanding experience, methodologies and unique implementation capacities at our disposal. We integrate within our clients’ teams at all organizational levels, boosting the implementation of specific and tangible changes. We multiply our clients’ executive capabilities.

Accelerated achievement of results

We align, right from the start, specific amends with implementation capacities. We accelerate the achievement of tangible results in terms of cost and revenue improvements. We establish ongoing improvement processes.

We enjoy making things happen, especially when it comes to large and complex organizations.

We know and understand the industry. Part of our team hails directly from the industries we operate in, and we therefore have concrete experience in key areas of the business. This enables us to easily understand and empathize with our clients’ problems. We’ve walked in your shoes.


Global solutions

We work with our clients at all levels and support them in the development and transfer of knowledge to all their units.

Approx. 200 consultants in more than 30 countries  around the world

We have carried out more than 100 projects in 30 different countries.

We work with more than 50 partner companies

We have cooperated with 5,000 people at all organizational levels

Total involvement and commitment towards obtaining positive results:

  • We implement the solutions together, getting personally involved and “getting our feet wet”.
  • We transfer our knowledge and expertise to our clients’ teams.
  • We work towards the full adoption of solutions on the part of our clients’ teams in order to guarantee long-term sustainability.
  • We activate ongoing improvement processes.

Extensive experience and robust methodologies at our disposal

  • More than 100 projects carried out successfully at all stages of the value chain in different sectors and industries, with a return of up to 10 times its previous level.

Huge opportunity to relocate production and increase the profit 5 to 10 times

Reasons to invest in Algeria 

Algeria, located in North Africa, is emerging as an attractive investment destination, offering a unique combination of benefits for entrepreneurs. Key elements of Algeria’s growing relevance as an investment destination include its proximity to markets, regional connectivity, high potential as a logistics hub, geopolitical stability, natural resources, varied climatic conditions, regional opportunities, access to new markets, and creation of  special economic zones.

  • The lowest production costs compared with Europe , North Africa and Turkey ( from 5 to 10 times lower)
  • The lowest taxes compared with Europe , North Africa and Turkey
  • Low salaries – Minimum salary = 136 Euro/month . Medium salary -280 Euro /month .
  • Inflation rate – 6 % and stable local currency. The Algerian banks are giving loans with 6-7% interest for business development.
  • No income tax to pay if a company produce and export from Algeria its products .
  • Establishing a 100 % foreign company in Algeria it takes maximum 2 weeks .
  • Tax exemptions ( from 3 to 10 years depending on the activity field/place of activity/dimension of the investment) for companies investing/ opening a company/business in Algeria.
  • Land concessions can be obtained on very low prices
  • Based on a special law you can find only in Algeria, if producing medicaments from the list of imported medicaments ,– the medicaments produced from this list will be banned from import and the producer will have monopole on these meds for a population of almost 47 million people. If there also exported, again no income tax will be paid.
  • Economic stability with an economy primarily based on its large hydrocarbon resources and strong production capacity in this area – OPEC member and the 3rd gas  supplier of EU .
  • Proximity to Markets: Very close to EU. Algeria’s privileged geographical location offers investors a strategic opportunity. A bridge between Europe and Africa, businesses established in Algeria can serve both the European and African markets. This proximity facilitates cross-border trade, reduces logistical costs, opens doors to a vast commercial network.
  • Regional Connectivity: Algerian ports to the Mediterranean Sea , provide crucial maritime connectivity with access points to international maritime routes . This connectivity strengthens Algeria’s position as a hub for regional and global commerce.
  • Offering huge opportunities in a variety of sectors & large liquidity reserve which lowers its vulnerability to commodity prices.
  • Logistics Hub: Algeria has the potential to become a major logistics hub, especially as a gateway to Africa. Investors can leverage this strategic position to optimize their supply chain and distribution networks in the region, thus creating significant operational efficiency with low costs.
  • Geopolitical Stability: Compared to neighboring regions, Algeria enjoys historical geopolitical stability. This stability provides investors with a secure environment for their operations, reducing political risks and creating a favorable business climate.
  • Functional and modern infrastructure in conformity with international standards
  • A qualified, young, competitive and low-cost labor force & very low production factors costs.
  • Incentives for investment & recent laws to encourage foreign investments and various incentives for foreign investors & exporters – for the export operations = income tax exemption.
  • Supports in matter of financing through public banks & an intensified protection and international arbitration agreements.
  • Algeria is a favorable and risk-free economic stability for business country , with excellent macroeconomic data.
  • Large domestic and regional markets – Free access to 510 mil EU customers due to EU Algeria treaties / to 1.341 billion customers from Africa and to 20 % of 1.5 billion Muslims  living  in the  Middle East.
  • Favorable demographics – The young and well-educated population of Algeria is a great asset as investors are facing considerable challenges elsewhere in Europe with ageing and shrinking population. The total fertility rate (births per woman) for Sub-Saharan Africa and Nord Africa  is 4.7 as of 2018, the highest in the world according to the World Bank.
  • Natural Resources: Algeria possesses huge reserves of natural resources, particularly in the hydrocarbon sector. As a strategic energy supplier, Algeria attracts investors interested in both fossil and renewable energy sectors.
  • Climatic Conditions: The varied climatic conditions in Algeria offer large opportunities in sectors such as agriculture, tourism, and renewable energies. Investors can capitalize on this diversity to explore different sectors and minimize risks of climatic variations.
  • Regional Opportunities: As a member of the African Union, Algeria can actively participate in projects aimed at enhancing economic integration in Africa. This opens doors for investors seeking to benefit from regional opportunities .
  • Access to New Markets: Algeria’s geographical proximity to Europe is a major asset for investors seeking access to this essential market. Favorable trade agreements facilitate trade and exchanges, thus creating significant growth opportunities.

Key sectors to invest :

  • Tourism – Algeria has more than 1650 Km of coast on the Mediterranean Sea, most of it not exploited /historical and natural wonders worth to visit
  • Production of basically any kind of product – unfortunately Algeria is importing many goods as the economy was based on more than 85% of revenue from oil and gas.
  • Agriculture
  • Renewable energy

Our consulting company can set any kind of company/business in Algeria . We can provide all the services necessary on the Algerian territory . We have professional staff all the connections needed to set up a successful business in Algeria.